At the technological exhibition MIND INVEST SUMMIT in Lviv, held at the end of June, EFarm PRO presented its second innovative development for demining fields.

This conference brought together investors, entrepreneurs, startup teams and everyone interested in investing in Ukraine. The event brought together prominent speakers whose speeches influence the country's investment attractiveness: Serhiy Prytula, Viktor Yushchenko, Mykhailo Podolyak, Andriy Sadovy, Roman Matys and others.

The EFarm PRO company introduced a new robotic mulcher that is capable of scanning a potentially mined area, knows how to detect mines, helps to lay a safe path, and most importantly, clears the field of bushes that prevent sappers from detonating explosive objects. This development will be relevant both in wartime and in peacetime.

"We understand the need for domestic demining developments and how important they are for saving the lives of Ukrainians. And they are also important for preventing the global food crisis, which is brewing precisely because of the war in Ukraine. Therefore, we have already developed the second innovative technology that will create safe conditions for demining. This development will be relevant both in wartime and in peacetime.In the meantime, we have to think first of all how to protect a person and how to improve his work when carrying out such work. The robot is easy to transport. It can be simply loaded into a vehicle and easily brought to the place of engineering and mining activities", - says the founder of EFarm PRO Oleksandr Prykhodchenko.

A team of EFarm PRO engineers worked on the development: Oleksandr Prykhodchenko, Artem Gavrish, and others. The development is currently undergoing testing and will soon be able to start working in the field.

The company began to develop its first development for humanitarian demining, an automated machine for demining agricultural land, with the beginning of a full-scale war together with the Kobzarenko Plant. The people's deminer was developed on the basis of the chassis of the T-156 tractor, equipped with an unmanned control system and can demine the territory according to a predetermined route. This technology has already been tested at a test site in the Kyiv region and at the certification stage.