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Agro-navigation is a key component of precision farming technology, which leads to numerous benefits for modern farming:

Maximum accuracy: Agro-navigation provides high accuracy in field processing, allowing for precise determination of equipment location in the field. This is critical for the accurate distribution of plant protection products, fertilizers, and seeds.

Reduction of overlaps and skips: With precise navigation, overlaps and skips in field processing are minimized, which saves resources and reduces the harm from excessive use of agrochemicals.

Efficient use of resources: The ability to precisely dose the necessary materials reduces costs and increases the efficiency of using plant protection products and fertilizers.

Increased productivity: Process optimization leads to better plant growth and higher yields, as resources are used more rationally.

Enhanced environmental sustainability: Minimizing the impact on the environment through the precise and judicious use of agrochemicals promotes sustainable development.

The impact of rising prices for plant protection products

With the rising prices of consumables such as plant protection products (PPP), it becomes crucial for farmers to minimize costs and use every resource as efficiently as possible. Agro-navigation allows for precise management of PPP application, reducing costs and preventing excessive use, which can not only increase treatment costs but also negatively impact the environment.

In a highly volatile economic environment, cost efficiency becomes a key factor in competitiveness. The use of agro-navigation is an important step in reducing costs and increasing productivity, making this technology an integral part of modern precision farming.

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  • GPS Agro navigator, Display 10”
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  • Agro navigator, Display 8", GPS
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  • New GPS Agro navigator, 8”
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